TV & Movies

How do I limit my child’s media time if he’s physically fit and gets good grades?
How do I limit my child’s media time if he’s physically fit and gets good grades? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My child is in third grade, and he’s already diagnosed with ADHD. He has a high IQ, is in honors classes, and is physically active—he’s a Gold-medal wrestler. He still uses media for too many hours each day, though. Given that he’s in good shape and gets good grades, how can I tell him…

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Should my 5-year-old be watching educational TV?
Should my 5-year-old be watching educational TV? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: So far I’ve only allowed my 5-year-old to watch DVDs that I’ve selected. Should I introduce some quality educational TV programs, or should I stick to my guns and keep her away from TV—and the commercials that come with it—for as long as I can? –Tepid about TV, USA A: Dear Tepid, Your question…

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How do I keep my toddler from throwing a tantrum when I turn off the DVD player?
How do I keep my toddler from throwing a tantrum when I turn off the DVD player? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: Each morning while I shower and get dressed, I let my two-year-old son watch 10-15 minutes of an innocuous video. This has worked well to keep him safe and still while I shower, but he pitches a fit every time I turn the movie off, despite the fact that we do this same routine every day and…

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How do I help my 14-year-old cope with the Aurora movie theater shooting?
How do I help my 14-year-old cope with the Aurora movie theater shooting? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My 14 year old son has been anticipating the release of the new Batman movie ever since he saw the trailer last year. He pre-ordered his tickets for opening weekend and was all set to go with friends when he heard about the theater shooting at the midnight showing in Aurora Colorado. The news…

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How do you explain advertising to a 5-year-old?
How do you explain advertising to a 5-year-old? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My 5-year-old son’s summer camp is studying the Olympics, a topic he is very interested in.  We’ve been seeing many billboards and TV commercials with athletes promoting Coca Cola. The first time he saw one, he literally said, “Oh, if I drink Coca Cola, then I can be a great boxer too.”  Of course…

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What should I do if my six-year-old is afraid of children’s TV–but his younger sisters aren’t?
What should I do if my six-year-old is afraid of children’s TV–but his younger sisters aren’t? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I have a 6-year-old son, and he is very fearful of children’s television. For instance, when his younger sisters watch Winnie The Pooh and the bees start chasing Pooh Bear, my son screams in terror and runs out of the room. This does not scare his two younger sisters at all. Do you have…

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How can I cut out TV time from my two-year-old’s dinnertime routine?
How can I cut out TV time from my two-year-old’s dinnertime routine? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My husband and I were having difficulties preparing dinner with our two-year-old daughter in the kitchen, so we began letting her watch Curious George to keep her occupied. Initially this worked well; the show seems to have primarily positive content, and the two 15-minute segments entertained her while we cooked. We’ve been trying not…

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Should I use the movie “Bully” to talk about bullying with my 10 year old?
Should I use the movie “Bully” to talk about bullying with my 10 year old? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My 10-year-old son will be starting middle school in the fall. So far, he has had a pretty sheltered, drama-free experience at a great elementary school. I want him to be aware that bullying goes on and that he needs to tell someone if anything like that ever happens to him. I have thought…

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My 17-year-old is having serious anxiety since he started playing Call of Duty–is there a connection?
My 17-year-old is having serious anxiety since he started playing Call of Duty–is there a connection? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My 17-year-old son started playing Call of Duty a few months ago. Since that time, he has had more trouble than usual falling asleep and has been waking up in the middle of the night. Last night, he woke me saying he felt like he was having a panic attack—racing heart and hyperventilation. I…

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Ratings Reality: Who rates our media and what that means for children
Ratings Reality: Who rates our media and what that means for children 150 150 Mediatrics

CMCH staff member Kristelle Lavallee contributed the following post to Thriving, Boston Children’s Hospital’s pediatric health blog. Are you looking to take the family to a movie but aren’t sure whether your child should see The Hunger Games (PG-13) or Bully (unrated)? If you base the decision on the Motion Picture Association of American (MPAA) ratings, the answer…

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