TV & Movies

My teen daughter is addicted to TV. Please help!
My teen daughter is addicted to TV. Please help! 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I have a daughter who just turned 15 and is truly addicted to watching TV. I try to impose limits, but she refuses. Please help. Answer by Dr. Michael Rich, the Mediatrician

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Disney is offering full refunds for Baby Einstein videos–should I turn mine in?
Disney is offering full refunds for Baby Einstein videos–should I turn mine in? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I hear that Disney is offering full refunds for Baby Einstein videos, but I don’t really understand why. I received some of these videos as baby shower gifts and my 7-month-old son seems to enjoy them. What do you recommend?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, the Mediatrician

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Should I take my kids to see Where the Wild Things Are?
Should I take my kids to see Where the Wild Things Are? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: Should I take my kids to see “Where the Wild Things Are”? Is it appropriate for children?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, the Mediatrician

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How can we get our 6-year-old’s teacher to make better media choices in the classroom?
How can we get our 6-year-old’s teacher to make better media choices in the classroom? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: Our daughter’s teacher shows G-rated Disney movies and even some PG movies to “give the kids a break.” Is there any research that would be helpful in guiding a school to make better, more deliberate media choices?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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Can I blame the “Slut List” on all the sex in the media?
Can I blame the “Slut List” on all the sex in the media? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I’ve been hearing about the high school in NJ where older girls are putting freshman girls’ names on a “slut list”—and the worst part is that being on the list is considered a good thing! I can’t help thinking that all the sex in the media is to blame for girls thinking it’s a badge of honor, but maybe I’m overreacting. I want to talk to my 13 year old daughter about this, but what should I say?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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Do violent and sexual media affect suburban kids’ attitudes toward sex?
Do violent and sexual media affect suburban kids’ attitudes toward sex? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: Can a weekly diet of violent and sexual media for teens from good families affect their attitudes and behaviors when they’re in college, contributing to the high numbers of college sexual assaults?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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Is there anything wrong with cutting out electronic media completely?
Is there anything wrong with cutting out electronic media completely? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My parents didn’t have a TV in the house when I was growing up and I didn’t get a stereo until I was a teenager. We read and played outside and I didn’t think I was deprived as a kid. It seems like what is out there now, in terms of violence, sex, and taking risks, is far worse than when I was a kid. Is there anything wrong with just cutting out electronic media completely from my kids’ lives?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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Is it OK to use cartoons to keep my 5-month-old busy while I do things around the house?
Is it OK to use cartoons to keep my 5-month-old busy while I do things around the house? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I have a question about my five month old daughter and TV. She likes to watch E/I cartoons. Is it ok for me to let her watch them when I have things around the house I need to do? If allowing her to watch cartoons is not good for her, what are other activities I can do to keep her occupied so I can get things done? Answer by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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How can I convince networks not to play violent commercials during family programming?
How can I convince networks not to play violent commercials during family programming? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My husband and I are greatly concerned by the commercials that are played on television, especially during “family” events like football or NASCAR races. I have contacted the FCC and NASCAR and they said that I basically have to contact each network one by one to voice my concerns. Where can I find information backing up my concerns that these types of visual images are harmful to my young children?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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Why do different kids respond differently to media violence?
Why do different kids respond differently to media violence? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My boys, now 15 & 17, are so different. I’ve noticed that my two kids can watch the same violent programs and, depending on each child’s nature, they respond differently. Is it true that after viewing violent programs, some children will behave more aggressively while some children become more fearful? If yes, can you explain how that happens? Any chance that some children are not affected at all?
Answer from Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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