Time Management

Is there anything wrong with cutting out electronic media completely?
Is there anything wrong with cutting out electronic media completely? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My parents didn’t have a TV in the house when I was growing up and I didn’t get a stereo until I was a teenager. We read and played outside and I didn’t think I was deprived as a kid. It seems like what is out there now, in terms of violence, sex, and taking risks, is far worse than when I was a kid. Is there anything wrong with just cutting out electronic media completely from my kids’ lives?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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Is there software I can buy to limit my kids’ computer time?
Is there software I can buy to limit my kids’ computer time? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I have three sons, ages 8, 5, and 5 (twins) who love to play computer games (Club Penguin, Webkinz, PBS kids.com, and others). I try to limit their screen time to one hour per day, but I know they have been using it for longer than that when they can get away with it. Is there a parent-controlled program I can buy that allows each child to login and have only a limited amount of access per day? Dr. Michael Rich answers this question and others on Ask the Mediatrician.

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Does spending time in front of screens really raise kids’ blood pressure?
Does spending time in front of screens really raise kids’ blood pressure? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I heard a report on the news that too much time in front of TV or computer screens can raise kids’ blood pressure. Is that just for more action-oriented shows and games? And is even a little screen time a problem for kids’ hearts?

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How should I manage media use with kids of different ages?
How should I manage media use with kids of different ages? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My kids are four years apart (ages 8 and 12), and I’m not sure how to manage their media use since their needs are so different. Should my oldest watch only programs that are appropriate for the younger child?

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How much TV is too much TV?
How much TV is too much TV? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: The television is a constant source of conflict in our house. I am always battling with my 2nd and 5th grade kids about how much TV they watch, but I’m not even sure what a good limit would be. How much TV is too much TV?

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How can we set good examples of media use for our kids?
How can we set good examples of media use for our kids? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My child is still an infant, so he isn’t using much media yet. But I am realizing that my husband and I are constantly “connected”! Our laptops, cell phones, and iPods are always on, mostly for work reasons. How should we limit our own media use to set the best example for our children?

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