I’m a seventh grader doing a project on how social media use affects body image – what does the research show?
I’m a seventh grader doing a project on how social media use affects body image – what does the research show? https://mediatrics.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/teenSocialMediaBodyImageATM.png 750 315 Mediatrics https://mediatrics.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/teenSocialMediaBodyImageATM.pngQ: I am a 7th grader working on an independent research project about whether using social media can be addictive and how using social media affects adolescent girls’ body image. What does the scientific research show? And how can I learn more about this? ~ Scrutinizing Social Media, Wellesley, MA Dear Scrutinizing, As a seventh grader,…
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