
Baby Bounce TV
Is it ok for me to watch TV while I bounce my baby to sleep?
Is it ok for me to watch TV while I bounce my baby to sleep? 750 315 Mediatrics

Q: Our daughter is three months old and likes to look at the bright colors and moving images on the television screen when I am bouncing her in the evenings. The images seem to calm her down, which is helpful for both of us (she usually falls asleep after just a few minutes and will…

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sleeping computer
Should I be concerned about my teen using YouNow to stream everything from his band’s “jam sessions” to his sleep?
Should I be concerned about my teen using YouNow to stream everything from his band’s “jam sessions” to his sleep? 750 315 Mediatrics

Q: My 14-year-old son is an aspiring musician and has recently been using YouNow to broadcast himself and his band’s “jam sessions.” I wasn’t too concerned until I realized that it is a live stream (I thought it was another version of YouTube) and that he also leaves it running after the band leaves and…

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Tween bedroom technology devices
How do we get the laptops, smartphones and tablets out of our kids’ bedrooms?
How do we get the laptops, smartphones and tablets out of our kids’ bedrooms? 750 315 Mediatrics

Q: We would like to get devices (smartphones, laptops, kindles, tablets) out of our kids’ bedrooms, but we don’t know how to do this. They use their laptops for homework and smartphones for music and as alarm clocks. Do you have any good suggestions on how to implement this change? Our oldest is now 18 and…

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Is an e-Reader appropriate for a 7-year old?
Is an e-Reader appropriate for a 7-year old? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I am the mother of a 7-year-old girl who is a voracious reader. I have been considering buying her a no-frills e-Reader that doesn’t have games, video, or other features, but just allows you to read books.  We are a minimal electronic media household–we don’t own a TV, and our girls (ages 4 and…

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My children’s school uses TV during rest time, lunch time, and recess–what should I do?
My children’s school uses TV during rest time, lunch time, and recess–what should I do? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: At my children’s elementary school, TV is used every day in kindergarten during “rest time.” For the older students, how TV is used varies depending on the teacher or assistant teacher. Some use it during lunch to keep kids quiet or in lieu of recess when it’s raining or cold outside. Do you know…

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How can I tell if I am being too strict with my kids’ media?
How can I tell if I am being too strict with my kids’ media? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I have 4 boys (ages 11, 9, 9, and 7), and I am rather strict about limiting their screen time: We don’t allow any during the school week, and on the weekend, we allow the boys 1 hour per day. I have also told my oldest son that when he is at someone else’s house,…

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Our 8-year-old was upset by a scene she saw in a movie–what should we do?
Our 8-year-old was upset by a scene she saw in a movie–what should we do? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: As a treat, we let our 8-year-old daughter go see a movie we hadn’t seen yet–and even though it was a PG comedy, she was terrified when a dead body fell out of a closet on screen. Since then she has been asking us about why people kill people and is having a hard time sleeping. What should we do?

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Am I overreacting if I don’t want my husband to play games like Grand Theft Auto with our 5-year-old?
Am I overreacting if I don’t want my husband to play games like Grand Theft Auto with our 5-year-old? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My husband plays X-box games rated for those over 16 or over 18, like Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, and Modern Warfare. He allows our 5-year-old son to play these games with him. I do not know anything about X-box, but I feel they are not suitable for a child that is so young.…

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My teen daughter’s addiction to technology is ruining our family life–what should I do?
My teen daughter’s addiction to technology is ruining our family life–what should I do? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I am the mother of three daughters (15, 13, and 11). Although I try to set limits, technology is ruining my family life. My oldest daughter in particular is addicted to Facebook, Skype, texting, etc.—whenever I try to reduce or eliminate her access, she finds a way to be in touch with her friends.…

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Can TV help my infant sleep while keeping me awake?
Can TV help my infant sleep while keeping me awake? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My boyfriend and I just had a beautiful baby boy. He is a month old. I like to leave the TV on even if he is sleeping so that I can stay awake. I was hoping that the noise would be good for him and that it would keep me awake while he sleeps.…

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