School Age Children

How can we get our 6-year-old’s teacher to make better media choices in the classroom?
How can we get our 6-year-old’s teacher to make better media choices in the classroom? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: Our daughter’s teacher shows G-rated Disney movies and even some PG movies to “give the kids a break.” Is there any research that would be helpful in guiding a school to make better, more deliberate media choices?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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Are American Girl dolls a better choice for my niece than the more sexualized Barbies or Bratz?
Are American Girl dolls a better choice for my niece than the more sexualized Barbies or Bratz? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I wondered if the Center has any research on the American Girls phenomenon. Unlike Barbies and Bratz, these dolls are not sexualized, and they also have connections to history and culture through each doll’s storybook. I am guessing that they are probably a better alternative for playtime fantasies (at least for families who can afford them — the dolls cost $95 each). But they are also linked to all kinds of merchandising, encouraging families to buy accessories like furniture, clothes, and even pets to go along with them (also pricey). What do you think about the pros and cons? My niece is 8 years old and I am thinking ahead to the holiday season.
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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Is there anything wrong with cutting out electronic media completely?
Is there anything wrong with cutting out electronic media completely? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My parents didn’t have a TV in the house when I was growing up and I didn’t get a stereo until I was a teenager. We read and played outside and I didn’t think I was deprived as a kid. It seems like what is out there now, in terms of violence, sex, and taking risks, is far worse than when I was a kid. Is there anything wrong with just cutting out electronic media completely from my kids’ lives?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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How can I convince networks not to play violent commercials during family programming?
How can I convince networks not to play violent commercials during family programming? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My husband and I are greatly concerned by the commercials that are played on television, especially during “family” events like football or NASCAR races. I have contacted the FCC and NASCAR and they said that I basically have to contact each network one by one to voice my concerns. Where can I find information backing up my concerns that these types of visual images are harmful to my young children?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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Why do different kids respond differently to media violence?
Why do different kids respond differently to media violence? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My boys, now 15 & 17, are so different. I’ve noticed that my two kids can watch the same violent programs and, depending on each child’s nature, they respond differently. Is it true that after viewing violent programs, some children will behave more aggressively while some children become more fearful? If yes, can you explain how that happens? Any chance that some children are not affected at all?
Answer from Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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Is there software I can buy to limit my kids’ computer time?
Is there software I can buy to limit my kids’ computer time? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I have three sons, ages 8, 5, and 5 (twins) who love to play computer games (Club Penguin, Webkinz, PBS, and others). I try to limit their screen time to one hour per day, but I know they have been using it for longer than that when they can get away with it. Is there a parent-controlled program I can buy that allows each child to login and have only a limited amount of access per day? Dr. Michael Rich answers this question and others on Ask the Mediatrician.

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Does spending time in front of screens really raise kids’ blood pressure?
Does spending time in front of screens really raise kids’ blood pressure? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I heard a report on the news that too much time in front of TV or computer screens can raise kids’ blood pressure. Is that just for more action-oriented shows and games? And is even a little screen time a problem for kids’ hearts?

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Are Star Wars and Disney Princesses the only options?
Are Star Wars and Disney Princesses the only options? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: I went into a party store to look for decorations for my son’s upcoming birthday party and everywhere I looked, the choices were either Star Wars or Disney princesses. Are we raising our boys to be violent and our girls to have Cinderella expectations of the world?

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What are some good kids’ movies for my 5 year old to enjoy?
What are some good kids’ movies for my 5 year old to enjoy? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: They don’t seem to make enough good kids’ movies that don’t feature in-your-face dialog, terrifying characters, fast cuts, or just over-the-top crazy stuff designed mainly for adult audiences (that I have to spend half the movie explaining to my 5 year old). As a Mediatrician and film buff, can you recommend a few of your favorites, either classic or contemporary?

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Will video games cause seizures in my children?
Will video games cause seizures in my children? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: The manual for my teenage son’s favorite video game contains a warning that says that some games cause seizures and that parents should watch for seizure symptoms or ask their children if they’ve experienced any symptoms while playing. I can’t monitor every minute of game play, and if I asked my son about it, I’m not sure he would admit any symptoms to anything he thought might lead me to limit his game time. How worried should I be?

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