Education & Learning

Why should my family participate in Turnoff Week?
Why should my family participate in Turnoff Week? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: Why should my family participate in Turnoff Week?
A: TV, video games, and computers have become so common that, for many families, they are a default activity, rather than a choice they make about how they want to spend their time. It is not just cramming facts into children’s brains, but giving them the unstructured “down time” to process those facts and come to their own conclusions, that will give them the richest environment in which to develop.
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician®

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What kinds of kids’ activities should be available in a waiting room?
What kinds of kids’ activities should be available in a waiting room? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: We are opening a new children’s center at our hospital. What kind of recreational technology would you recommend we put in our waiting room?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician®

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My son’s PS3 requires access to the Internet, but I don’t want Internet in his bedroom—what do I do?
My son’s PS3 requires access to the Internet, but I don’t want Internet in his bedroom—what do I do? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My 12-year-old son wanted a PS3, partly as a birthday gift and partly out of money he’s saved. This was to replace his PS2 because some of the games he wanted were not available for PS2. His PS2 is in his room on a non-cable hooked up TV so that all of his approved,…

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Are attention disorders connected to technology addiction?
Are attention disorders connected to technology addiction? 150 150 Mediatrics

  Q:  Are impulsive children, or children with ADHD, more likely to develop technology addictions? –Answers about ADHD in San Francisco, CA A: Dear Answers, This is a tricky subject for a very basic reason: Although diagnosed and treated as a serious problem in Asia and Europe, technology addiction, also known as video or internet addiction,…

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Are smartphone apps in the classroom a good thing?
Are smartphone apps in the classroom a good thing? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: What is your take on smartphone apps being used in the classroom? I know a lot of schools are using them now, and I’m not sure what to think about it.
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician®

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My daughter is being bullied on Facebook – what can I do?
My daughter is being bullied on Facebook – what can I do? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My daughter is being bullied by lots of girls and boys from her school on Facebook. All the school will do is suspend these kids for a week—then they come back and it will start again. What can I do?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician®

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Are violent games more damaging for children with a central auditory processing disorder?
Are violent games more damaging for children with a central auditory processing disorder? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: We just found out that our 6-year-old son has a central auditory processing disorder. We do not have TV or video games in our house, but when he visits friends’ houses, they sometimes play the older brother’s extremely violent video games, such as Call of Duty. Since there are fewer screens in our house,…

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Can kids and teens help each other use media safely and wisely?
Can kids and teens help each other use media safely and wisely? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: Much of the discussion on kids’ media use centers, appropriately, on parent involvement. I’m wondering, though, are there ways kids and teens can help each other use media safely and wisely?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician®

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Is it OK for my 2 year old to watch YouTube videos?
Is it OK for my 2 year old to watch YouTube videos? 150 150 Mediatrics

Q: My husband watches YouTube videos with our 2 year old son almost daily, and I am not sure what I think about whether it’s a good habit or not. What do you think?
Answered by Dr. Michael Rich, The Mediatrician

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Are kids benefiting from all these electronics?
Are kids benefiting from all these electronics? 150 150 Mediatrics

I keep hearing how younger and younger children are being exposed to electronics, which must certainly affect their lives. But are the effects positive or negative?

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